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The Pacifier DVD


Comedy Films on DVD

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The Pacifier DVD

Please note this is a region 2 DVD and will require a region 2 (Europe) or region Free DVD Player in order to play.

In THE PACIFIER Vin Diesel is great as a navy seal turned babysitter in this kid-friendly action comedy. A botched rescue mission (brimming with stunts) results in the death of a scientist and the hospitalization of seal team-leader Shane Wolf. Once he recovers, he is assigned to duty as a bodyguard for the dead man's family. But even for a seal–toughened to the point of stoniness–dealing with the chaos, smells, noises, and complexities of a large, fatherless family proves to be a heavy challenge. The kids don't like his authoritative ways and they have no problem defying him at every turn. Eventually everybody bonds and while the family teaches him to listen and relax, he teaches them the combat skills they need to succeed in suburban Los Angeles. It's all very funny but the film really works best as a showcase for the range of Diesel; he takes his pratfalls in stride, his character's devotion to military discipline and honour is inspiring; and his bonding with the family is sweet without being saccharine. What's more, he still gets the chance to kick some serious bad-guy butt. Lauren Graham (BAD SANTA) plays the kindly grade school principal and love interest. EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND's Brad Garrett is hilarious as a sadistic wrestling coach. There's also a crotch-biting pet duck, ninjas, sewer-diving, a troop of kung fu-fighting girl scouts, and the hilarious 'panda dance'.