The Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman Blu-ray


Action & Adventure Films on Blu-ray

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The Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman Blu-ray

Please note this is a region B Blu-ray and will require a region B or region free Blu-ray player in order to play. 

Surreal romantic comedy starring Shia LaBeouf and Evan Rachel Wood. In accordance with his mother's dying wishes, Charlie (LaBeouf) travels to the Romanian capital of Bucharest. While on the plane one of his fellow passengers asks him to track down his daughter and return a package to her and having no other plans for his arrival, Charlie agrees to do so. But when he does succeed in finding the girl (Wood), an unexpected romance begins to blossom between the pair and with her already married to a violent Romanian crime boss (Mads Mikkelsen), it won't be easy for the young lovers to continue…